Where can I find the API Reference?
The Directus API Reference is a powerful document that shows us the different ways we can query the API, including filters and pagination.
How to create an API Key
You can create a new API key in the User Directory. Here you can generate a token and assign a role for the permissions.
How to perform an API POST Query
Create and update items in your collection using the API.
How to use API Authentication
Every API is different when it comes to Authentication but in Directus, all you need is a Bearer token.
How to create an API Authentication Token
Create a new access token in the User Directory. Here you can generate a token and assign a role.
How to sort the Directus API
Sorting your data is essential for optimizing your connections. Especially when dealing with a lot of data.
How to filter the Directus API
Filtering your data is essential for optimizing your connections. Especially when dealing with a lot of data.
What is the Directus API URL?
The Directus API is a powerful tool that connects your database to your website or device with ease. There are 2 frameworks to choose from, REST API or GraphQL.
How to use the REST API on your website
REST APIs are a very powerful method for retrieving your data from Directus. In this article, I'll show you how you can query, create, update and delete records as well as some advanced techniques that will be useful when creating websites.
How you can use Directus GraphQL on your website?
GraphQL is a very powerful API for retrieving your data from Directus. In this article, I'll show you how you can query, create, update and delete records.