2 min read

How to sort the Directus API

Sorting your data is essential for optimizing your connections. Especially when dealing with a lot of data.

The Directus API has a powerful sorting system built into it's core. You can easily sort your results across your available fields. Sorting your data is essential for optimizing your connections. Especially when dealing with a lot of data. In this article I will cover the sort parameter in GraphQL and REST API.

To sort data in the Directus API, simply add the sort parameter and use the Directus Documentation to formulate the desired direction from your available fields.

Sorting in GraphQL

Directus combined with GraphQL is very powerful. The sort parameter can be added to a query to change the order of the returned data. Here is an example that sorts by the date created descending.

query {
        sort: [ "-date_created" ]
    ) {
        author {

Note the (-) in front of date_created. This reverses the direction where date_created is the field name.

The GraphQL must be wrapped in JSON so the CURL command looks something like this.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer your-bearer-token" -X POST -d '{"query": "query { articles(sort: [ "-date_created" ]) { id title author { first_name }}}"}' https://directus.example.com/graphql

If you want to sort with more than one field, simply include the fields within the list. In the example below, I'm sorting by the author first, then the date created.

query {
        sort: [ "author", "-date_created" ]
    ) {
        author {
Note: The API always sorts in the order of the list. Only matching values of the first sort field are then sorted by the second field.

Sorting in REST API

Adding the sort parameter works quite similar. To replicate the same example as above, here is the request URL. Note the format of the sort parameter and the (-) whch reverses the direction of the values.


The query in CURL is quite simple since all the parameters are in the URL.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer your-bearer-token" https://directus.example.com/items/articles?fields=id,title,author.first_name&sort=-date_created

To include a second sort field, simply add the field to the sort values and seperate with a comma.

Note: The API always sorts in the order of the list. Only matching values of the first sort field are then sorted by the second field.


Use the Directus documentation to see the full list of possibilities.

Global Query Parameters | Directus Docs
Directus 9. An Instant App & API for your SQL Database.


Sorting your results is very useful for any project, especially when dealing with massive data sources. Be sure to read my other articles on API parameters.

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