4 min read

Directus 9.12 Released!

The team at Monospace have released a new version of Directus and it's got some amazing new features. This article will cover the changes in the recent release of Directus.

The team at Monospace have released a new version of Directus and it's got some amazing new features. This article will cover the changes in the recent release of Directus.

The star of this release is definately the introduction of Data Flow and a nice handfull of Improvements and Bug Fixes.

How to Update Directus?
It’s important to keep Directus up to date. Each new version fixes bugs or issues that have been discovered since the last version and sometimes includes new exciting features.

Click on the ID links below to see more information about the change.

New Features

  • #12522 ? Add Data Flows to Directus ? (by @Nitwel)
  • #11186 Docs: Auto-generated "Link preview" thumbnails for all pages (by @loteoo)



Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes



Ready to update Directus, follow this guide to get the latest version:

How to Update Directus?
It’s important to keep Directus up to date. Each new version fixes bugs or issues that have been discovered since the last version and sometimes includes new exciting features.
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